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Monday, March 3, 2025

Fishing "Crick" Stocking Report, March 3: Rites of Spring

 It's still a few weeks until official Spring, but you know you're close when the PA Fish and Boat Commission stocking truck comes to visit.

We've had some mild weather, at least until Sunday.  Sunday it never got above 15.  The high today was forecast to be in the mid-20s.  When we volunteers met up with the Wildlife Conservation Officer and the truck at 0930, we were sitting at a brisk 18 degrees.  Fortunately, there was no wind, no precip, and the sun was peeking through the clouds.

We had 10 folks stocking.  Often we'll see additional vehicles following, not to stock, but to spy out the spots.  The cold temps must have kept them away, as everyone joined in today.

All in all a fun morning.  After our safety brief, the conga line of volunteers followed the WCO and truck to hit spots on both branches of Fishing Creek, and some spots on the main branch.  Approximately 1,000 trout (Browns and Rainbows) were stocked in a about 2 miles of stream.  The local rod and gun club will stock another 1,000 or so (including some big fish held over from last year) in a few weeks.  That's a lot of trout in a small stream.  

It's a pretty uncomplicated process:

Follow the truck until it stops.

The driver fills 5-gallon buckets, each holding around 15 fish

You take your bucket down to the crick (yep, that's the WBT in the background)

Once you're at the bank, you take off the lid

And you heave the contents into the stream

Finish with a Friendly Burger and a couple of Labatts Lite Draughts, to round out a great morning.

Oh, and yes, the WBT received a healthy portion of trout!!!  Probably around 75 fish.  Hopefully the Mink and River Otters won't take too many over the next few weeks.

Mentored Youth Trout Day is March 26.  Opening Day is April 5.  It's been a long winter.  But the High Holy Day is upon us.

Tight Lines.  And thanks to PAFB!

Mikey D Fishing

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