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Sunday, April 2, 2023

Potter County Opening Day Fishing Report: Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall....

 To the tune of about an inch or more....

Captain DiPaola rolled in Thursday night to celebrate the "High Holy Day," otherwise known as opening day of trout season in PA.  The weather looked pretty grim; a warm front was forecast to move in Friday, bringing warmer temps, but also a lot of rain.  But ... Opening Day is more about fishing. It's the kickoff event of the fishing season, and a sign that spring is finally here. 

This time the weather guessers were right.  It rained most of Friday and through the night.  We were hoping that a steady rain might just give Fishing Creek a level bounce.  But a drenching rain about 0400 Saturday morning dashed that hope.

We finished a great breakfast of corned beef hash and eggs (courtesy of Mary), geared up, and headed down to Pavilion Hole behind the WBT.  The rain had quit, and temps were in the mid-50s.  Unfortunately, the West Branch of Fishing Creek was not exactly pristine.

While not a washout, the chocolate milk of a stream frustrated the fishing.  We threw Mary-tied Wooly Buggers and "Feggs," to no avail.  Not even a bump.

After a couple of hours, it was time to change things up.  First, a little mixology....

Nothing like a Bloody Mary to take the edge off and put a positive spin to things.  And maybe it was the Bloodies that turned the corner.  The sun came out, the skies turned blue, temps rose into a comfortable 60-65 degrees.  And the West Branch levels began to slowly lower and move from brown to ... well less brown.

About 11:30 we called an audible, and went to check out other sections of the east and west branches.  We picked up our first fish at the Atkins Road bridge over the east branch.  I drifted a WB under some brush, and a 10-inch stockie Rainbow came out of his hiding spot and took the fly.  

At least the skunk was off.  But other sections of the EB either had no fish, or were occupied by anglers.  So we headed back to the west branch.  Since I had stocked with the state on March 2, I knew where the fish were, albeit 30 days ago.  A quick run up Fishing Creek Road and we stopped to peak in on one of the spots we had stocked.  The water upstream was much better; a greenish tint with great flows.  Best of all, there were no other anglers around.  So we set up at a hole and gave it a try.

It didn't take long.  Capt. DiPaola got on the board drifting a "Fegg" just outside the current seam.  We proceeded to net 5 more fish without moving from the spot.  All were 10-12 inch Rainbows, caught on "Feggs" and Wooly Buggers.  Yeah, they were stockies.  But a lot of fun watching the line drift down with the current, then notice the quick jerk of the line indicating a trout had eaten the fly.

What started out as a potential skunking turned out to be one of our better Opening Days.  Add to that a delicious Prime Rib victory dinner Saturday night, some excellent Perdomos and Willett bourbon afterward, and it was a fantastic weekend.  And hopefully a sign of a great fishing season for the Mikey D team.

Tight Lines,

Mikey D Fishing

Quick Sunday update.  Temps started out in the mid-20s, but rose to the low 40s by mid-Afternoon.  So I grabbed the rod and headed down to the Pavilion Hole for an hour or so.  Water was a gorgeous jade-green.  Still up, but the flows were very fishable.  And the trout were hungry.

Had a Wolly Bugger tied on from the day before, and managed 6 hookups with 3 brought to the net, including a nice 15-inch Brownie.  Missed 2-3 other fish.  Didn't see another angler.  

1 comment:

  1. I miss those PA fishing outings (and Mary's culinary skills). Looking forward to spending the month of may getting reacquainted with some trout streams.
