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Monday, May 23, 2022

West Branch Fishing Creek Observation Report, May 21: It's On!

 I've been hanging out down at the Pavilion Hole for the last few days watching the water.  Not much going on; a few March Browns and Sulphurs.  Thought I saw a Green Drake Friday evening.

This evening went down around 7:00 PM.  A hot day in Roulette; temps in the upper 80s.  But it cooled off pretty quick, so I thought things might be ready to turn on.

Did not disappoint.  A lot of midges coming off, as well as a few Sulphurs.  But the trout were definitely looking up.  Counted 42 rises in an hour.  Got to see a few eats on Sulphurs which got trapped in the film.  Cool to see, unless you're the bug.

Now, there are probably 5-6 fish in the hole, so it ain't Penns during the Green Drake hatch.  But great to see the rises.  Will be out there tomorrow with the fly rod.

Tight Lines,

Mikey D Fishing

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