Some solid action on the West Branch over the last week. Fish taken on spinners and flies. Warmer temps over the last week, but not much in the way of mayfly action. Did see a few March Browns come off at the Pavilion Hole last evening. This could be the week for some good dry fly action.
Water conditions on Fishing Creek were perfect. Water down a tad, but still holding a greenish tint and good flows. Actually wet waded one day; water temps were in the upper 50s, which felt good with air temps in the low-80s.
Flies du jour were black Wooly Buggers and the "Megg" (Mary's specially-tied egg pattern). That pattern is a day saver! (Sorry Elkfisher)
Some fish porn from the week's outings. All caught within a short walk up and downstream from the Pavilion Hole:
The run just downstream from us. Formerly called the "Beaver Hole." More like a lake now. But discovered it was full of 12-14 inch Rainbows. So am now calling it "Rainbow Paradise II." Meggs and Wooly Buggers slayed 'em.

Upstream from the Pavilion Hole. Fishy looking spot...
Which paid off with my first Golden of the year.
Fishing pressure behind the WBT has been non-existent. Maybe the locals think the stream is fished out. Then again... (note the Megg)
Mother's Day dinner; grilled trout, risotto, sliced tomato. (stocked Rainbows, BTW)
Friday afternoon at the Pavilion Hole. The Megg tore it up with 5 hookups, but I had a helluva time landing fish. Then I lost my egg in a tree. Figured that might be a sign that it was time to pack it in. But I tied on a black WB instead, and cast upstream against the rock ledge on the right side of the hole. This big boy slammed it almost as soon as it hit the water. If you're only gonna land one fish, this has got to be it.
Caught this fish a week and a half ago on a Joe's Fly. Appreciate the accommodation, Big Boy.
Not a bad kickoff to spring in God's Country.
Tight Lines,
Mikey D Fishing
P.S. WBT getting a bit of a makeover.