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Saturday, April 6, 2019

Potter County Stocking (or is that "Stalking") Report - April 5

What better way to recover from our amazing fishing trip in Louisiana than hauling buckets of trout to the stream so the "bait chuckers" can pull them out in a week. To be fair, stocking is actually kind of fun, but it's also a workout.

Two weeks ago I helped members of the Roulette Rod and Gun Club stock both branches and the main stem of Fishing Creek.  Today it was the state's turn to provide the fish.  Weather conditions were not quite as nice as Louisiana.  As I headed to the rendezvous point with the truck and WCO, there was about a half inch of snow on the ground, and temps in the mid 30s.

Joining me in the outing was neighbor and fellow TU chapter member Bob "The Trout Whisperer" Volkmar.  We and about 7 other vehicles met up at the ABC Motel on Rte 6 at 1015, then headed to various destinations on Fishing Creek.

Not a lot of technique involved here.  The driver nets the fish and puts them into buckets, the WCO hands the buckets down to us schlubs, and then we amble off to dump the fish into the stream.

We tossed our last bucket o trout around 1:15 in the afternoon.   I think we stocked around 2,000 fish two weeks ago, and added another 1,000 or so today.  The big difference between the two stockings was fish size.  Most of the fish stocked with the club ran in the 12 inch range.  Today we put in a good number of 16-18 inch Brookies, Browns, and Rainbows.

I'm sure that's the reason why many of the folks in the "conga line" of vehicles didn't get out of their cars.  They really weren't there to haul buckets.  As I said, there are stockers, and then there are stalkers.  And then there are slackers....

See you on opening day!

Tight Lines,
Mikey D Fishing

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