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Monday, September 19, 2016

Waiting for the Bay Blitz

There are some signs....birds are hovering above schools of bait fish, nervous water here and there, and days are a bit shorter.  Every once in a while the water boils with fish gorging and driving the smaller bait straight out of the water.  But it is still early.  The last and maybe the most important ingredient is a strong cold snap to let the fish know that autumn is here.  With cooler temps at dawn and dusk we can safely expect to find keeper stripers attacking plugs above and clousers, rattletraps, metal jigs, and soft plastics below the surface.

Capt CC and I headed out an hour or so after sunrise.   Not much to speak of after an hour or more of jigging and trolling.  The frustration was broken with gulls gathering in the distance diving at bits of fish.   We retrieved the trolling gear and headed on a course that would allow us to skirt the outside of the nervous water close enough to cast into the mayhem but far enough away so the frenzy continued unabated. 

As the video documents below, there was plenty of action with 30 or so fish caught and released. Unfortunately as you can also see below, we managed to catch and release one of the feeding seagulls along the way.  Fortunately for the gull we managed to unwrap the line, avoid being pecked, and release the bird back into the air.  Despite the challenges, another good day for Mikey D Fishing!

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