It's a good problem to have. This year Capt. DiPaola made the trek to the "High Lonesome" to fish the West Branch of Fishing Creek. Two weeks ago I had helped stock the stream with the local rod and game club, and then last Tuesday with the state. Overall I'd say we put in about 3,000 trout over a two mile expanse of the West Branch and Fishing Creek.
Friday evening marked the traditional festivities of watching a Penguins loss while sipping Woodford Reserve Double Oaked. Fortunately, veteran Potter County fly angler Bob Volkmar was on hand to share some of the firewater. Saturday morning was a bit foggy (in my head), but outside the conditions were perfect, almost too perfect. Clear skies and temps in the high 50s greeted us when we walked down to the Picnic Hole (aka "Bearclaw's Hole") to await the opening of the season at 8:00AM. Fortunately for us, the angling population was crowded along the bridges spanning the Allegheny River, leaving plenty of space (and trout) behind the West Branch Tavern. We saw probably a half dozen anglers behind the cabin all day, including a guy from Mt. Bethel. Small world. Water conditions were near perfect; a bit low but with enough color in the water to keep the fish from being too spooky.
After some Friendly Burgers and Dogfishhead IPAs, we spent an hour or so fishing the main stem of Fishing creek, about a half mile below the cabin, and at a spot where I'd dumped several buckets of trout. Joe picked up three, including his first Tiger, while I was able to manage a small Brownie.
Joe departed this morning to hit Wykoff Run in his way home. This afternoon to get a little inspiration I lit out behind the house for an hour or so. An 8 inch Brookie and 12 inch Rainbow later (caught on a Wooly Bugger Mary had tied) was enough to get me to the computer to get this report out.
The forecast is calling for cold and rain, which will bring the streams up and spread the fish out some more. A good time to find more tropical climes to fish....
Tight Lines,
Mikey D Fishing